Monday, February 27, 2006

Was thinking over all night yesterday, I fogot the name of the vedic celestial horse,
similar to unicorn, I then googled and found, It is tarkshya
as in , Swasti nastaarkshyo arishtanemih (YV , Tait Aran. 1-1)
It was so obvious and i missed it.
also is uchaishravas same as arishtanemih-tarkshya?

i also saw a page which says tarkshya was a rishi and not a horse :-)

If he is a rishi why havirbaagam is given to him? since for a rishi to get havirbagam he has to be a part of one's pithru vargam if my smartic position is correct theologically.

Also above the new chennai city centre mall they have kepr awinged lions, Any vedic name for it?

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